Is this Hildegard Trabant in the movie?
(found at

(updated April 27, 2017)

At the 6 minute, 50 to 52 second point of this movie (6:50 - 6:52), is it possible that the lady depicted is the Berlin Wall victim Hildegard Trabant, and her husband?

Several points to consider;

1) The lady depicted is dressed as a well-to-do lady, in what was still a rather impoverished post-war East Berlin; Hildegard Trabant was an SED member (they enjoyed the best of everything) since she was 22, and would be 32 as of this point in time (1959).

2) The lady depicted is probably early 30's; again, Hildegard Trabant would be 32 as of this point in time (1959).

Hildegard Trabant
from the movie

3) The gentleman depicted appears to be a member of the police force or a branch of the military; Hildegard Trabant's husband was a people's police officer (Volkspolizist).

4) According to the autopsy report in her Stasi File (File AS 754/70, Bd. II, Nr. 7, Pg. 29),  Hildegard Trabant was 157 cm tall (5' 2" tall). It is reasonable to believe that the lady depicted was also 157 cm / 5' 2" tall.

5) According to the border patrol report in her Stasi File (File AS 754/70, Bd. II, Nr. 7, Pg. 2),  Hildegard Trabant was a victim of domestic violence, to include domestic battery. The gentlemen depicted in the picture appears to be physically capable of committing assault and battery against the lady depicted in the picture.

6) Much of this portion of the movie is filmed on Karl-Marx-Allee/Stalinallee, near Frankfurter Tor;

     a) the U-Bhf entrance at 7:22 to 7:23 is the southwest entrance to U-Bhf Bersarinstrasse/Frankfurter Tor.

     b) the street view at 7:34 to 7:40 is the junction of Karl-Marx-Allee/Stalinallee and Tilsiter Strasse, looking east towards the Frankfurter Tor towers. 

Hildegard Trabant lived at Tilsiter Strasse 64 (now Richard-Sorge-Strasse), which ended on Karl-Marx-Allee/Stalinallee, just west of Frankfurter Tor, and the former entrance to which is now occupied by the Cosmos).

I would be most interested in knowing the original source of this movie.

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